Blue Cross Travel Insurance

Blue Cross Travel Insurance is designed for Canadians who travel worldwide. It protects you with comprehensive emergency medical coverage at an affordable price. In addition, it offers you coverage for unexpected trip interruptions or cancellations. Available on a daily or annual basis, the travel insurance plan includes 24/7 emergency assistance services. We offer Blue Cross Travel Insurance for Ontario, Quebec, and the Atlantic provinces.

Solutions for single trips

  • Individual
    allows you to select one or many benefits to meet your specific insurance needs
  • Package Plus
    a combination of turnkey benefits for trips partially in Canada or abroad
  • Canada Package
    a combination of turnkey benefits when your trip is entirely within the Canadian borders

Solutions for multiple trips

  • Annual Medical
    for those who want annual coverage for multiple trips. The insurance covers you for each trip made outside the province of residence as long as the duration of each trip does not exceed the number of days selected from the trip durations offered: 4, 8, 17, 31, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 days
  • Annual Package
    a combination of turnkey benefits for trips partially in Canada or abroad

Maximum sums insured

  • Emergency Medical Care (up to $5,000,000)
  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption (equivalent to the total prepaid travel expenses)
  • Accidental Death or Dismemberment (up to $100,000)
  • Air Flight Accident (up to $300,000)
  • Baggage (up to $1,500)